When having a child you never think about the possibilities
of the father staying home with the newborn. But why is that the norm of our
society is for the mother to stay home and not the father.
Studies say that the
fathers who stay home with the children are more likely to take an active role
in parenting tasks. On the flipside though, is it worth it to take off
to stay home with your child. In some cases it is shown that men who take off
experience a decrease in their

Another reason
why men don’t take that special time off with their child is because it
literally is not offered and they have to use
unpaid days to stay at home and care for
In what world is that fair. A
father should be able to stay
home and help his wife. After having a child it is very
difficult to bounce back and take care of a child, that’s there a father comes
in. But if a father doesn’t get paid for those days off, he wont stay home
because money is a very important thing to consider when having a child. Why is
it that men are feeling a conflict of
choosing their family or their work. Why is that
even happening. Men should not feel pressured to choose. It should be normal
for men to take the leave just like it is for women. If this practice works in
countries why
doesn’t it work here. Why cant men just take off for a few weeks to help their
family and then return to work as normal? I see the pros and the cons to a man
leave, but in most circumstances it seems as if the pros out weigh the cons.
All in all it is your decision to take the leave.