Hi everybody! First let me start off by saying thank you for reading my blog. This is my first ever blog so bear with me. Anyway, My name is
Nina Deachilla and I am a senior Public Relations and Digital Media Productions major at
Slippery Rock University in Pennsylvania. I am an active member of Phi Sigma Sigma sorority. I have held leadership positions in the sorority as well as the Panhellenic National Council on my campus.

I am graduating from SRU in December and I have to say I am extremely nervous to leave this great little town and experience the real world. When I'm not in Slippery Rock you can find me in Baltimore City. Over the summer I did an internship there and experienced a little bit of the "real world". Having the opportunity to do an internship was great because it gave me an idea of what I wanted to do come December. It also calmed my fears of being afraid to graduate.
Its weird to think my time is almost up. It seems like just a few days ago I was packing up all of my things and leaving for freshman move in. In a few months I am going to be packing up all of my things to leave. Everyday I ask myself where did the time go.
The next question that I asked myself is what am I going to when I leave here. Sure I will have a degree, but what do I want to do with it. I am hoping that this class will help me figure things out a bit. Sure I have worked with a lot of social media site, including Facebook and
Twitter, but I have never written a blog before. I have wanted to but I have never take the steps to actually do one.
I don't typically read the news often, but if I do its
CNN. I typically read and listen to CNN because growing up my mother was always watching that channel. Sure they have different opinions than other networks but they are just what i prefer.
If I would have to chose a non-traditional news outlet I think that I would have to chose
Buzzfeed. I think some people don't associate the actual news with Buzzfeed all the time, but in recent years they have gotten better with reporting the news. I am constantly visiting the site to see what i can read. I think I like them because they break up the articles in a way that its better and its more pleasing to read.
Overall, I am really excited to be enrolled in this class and to experience the world of blogging. I can't wait to see where this class takes me.